Devil 2 will adjust the level of difficulty to adapt to how good the player is so that if you die a lot, the game will throw out less enemies and make them easier. We felt that the biggest problem of DMC was that it was too difficult, says Tanaka. Other aspects of the game that Tanaka and his team have focused on are difficulty level and camera views, which players complained about in the first game. Tanaka then pulls the camera way back for a flyby of other places well likely visit on our journey through hell: a massive helipad in the middle of the sea, of all places an ancient temple reminiscent of Mayan architecture and last but certainly not least, an impressive dark urban wasteland with skyscrapers galore. Players are encouraged to jump onto rooftops and leap from one to the next because theres more than one way to get to the end. This level is about nine times the width of any area in Devil May Cry, Tanaka explains.

Tanaka shows us the first level of the game, which features a full-blown Euro-style town. These acrobatics serve as more than just new signature moves, theyre also important for the sequels huge city levels. Aside from giving him even more zing with a gun (see sidebar), DMC2 sees Dante performing Matrix-like feats such as running onto a wall, doing a reverse flip and blasting enemies on the downstroke. Its appeal was embodied in Dante, a supercool half-man, half-demon hybrid packing enough heat and one-liners to make Vin Diesel look tike a girly-man. And when you can see the whites of their eyes, whip out Dantes massive blade for combos and other bone-crushing possibilities. As the dual pistol-wielding Dante, you take on hordes of supernatural bad guys cornin at ya from all sides. As he guided Dante, DMC2s lead badass, through an early area of the game, we were struck with the very same hook that first pulled us into the original.Īt a glance, Devil May Cry 2 looks and feels a lot like the first game. So this time, were focusing on those two aspects of the game. Overwhelmingly, gamers responded with how cool they thought Dantes character was, and how much they liked DMCs action gameplay. We took a global survey and asked our fans what they liked about DMC, says Tanaka. Yet, just minutes into the gameplay demo, we can already tell that Devil 2 is in good hands.