Total war modern warfare
Total war modern warfare

total war modern warfare total war modern warfare

Essentially, Syria has gone from being a nation, to just another war-torn battle zone. (?) Isaiah 17-The destruction of Damascus. They not only lose this battle, but Israel ends up doubling in size. (?) Psalm 83-All of the Arab-speaking Sunni nations/groups who currently border Israel, attack her in one final attempt to push her into the sea. (R)-timing after the Rapture, but before the 70 th Week (aka the Tribulation) officially begins Even she will be overthrown, and will have her idolatrous focus turned into worshipping the man known as Antichrist. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Roman Catholicism, and the rest (save Judaism and Christianity) will be rolled up into a mystery religion known only as the whore. These wars of the future will not only reorder the world geopolitically, but will also abolish most of the world’s religions. The Bible forecasts four future total wars, as well as several other scenarios in which war is strongly implied (albeit at the regional level). We could think back to World Wars I and II as examples of this. Simply put, total war is a war without limitations or boundaries. He is waging war because he knows he has but a short time. Our enemy is not interested in a peace, nor does he believe in live and let live. They do not realize that war is on the horizon, and soon all have to take sides. They think their post-modern, ecumenical approach is somehow more tolerant and loving.

total war modern warfare

They reject the exclusivity of the gospel as being too offensive for our progressive age.

total war modern warfare

They think they are open-minded for embracing cultural decadence and rejecting the objective truths the Bible puts forth. They do not see that the world has become increasingly dark and wicked, primarily because their eyes have adjusted to the darkness. There appears to be growing majority within Christendom today who are more than happy to straddle the fence of conformity. Israel and Modern Warfare: Apocalypse Edition, Volume III- Total War

Total war modern warfare